The ACTUAL Anti-Christian Conspiracy

Did you see the film God’s Not Dead 2? I didn’t, because I watch enough bad movies by accident, I don’t need to do it on purpose. It was widely panned as Right-Winged propaganda, and from the clips I’ve seen, yeah, that’s pretty true. But you want to know something weird? For a film that … Continue reading The ACTUAL Anti-Christian Conspiracy

Why Christianity? Part Three: Why Not Another Religion?

If you're still with me, God bless your patience. I've been trying to unpack why Christianity makes sense, at least to me. In Part 1, I said that atheism doesn't hold water. In Part 2, I argued that multiple religions can't coexist, not without bowing to some order that judges them all, thereby negating the … Continue reading Why Christianity? Part Three: Why Not Another Religion?

Why Christians Need to Stop Overvaluing Israel

It's one of the unspoken truths in the Christian mainstream: Israel is important. Pray for Israel, stand for Israel, send support to Israel. But allow me to humbly provoke you by asking...why? Half the time, this is not discussed. You just support Israel if you're a Christian. However, doing things without thought is not Godly. Remember … Continue reading Why Christians Need to Stop Overvaluing Israel