Ratatouille: How to Write Good Opponents/Villains

Ask me what my favorite Pixar movie is, I'd say The Incredibles. Twist my nipples really, really hard and I'll tell you it's Ratatouille. Hey, I like food movies. But Ratatouille really is a grand film, and one of the reasons is the way it sets up, and knocks down, its opponents. I thought of … Continue reading Ratatouille: How to Write Good Opponents/Villains

“Compound Suck,” and How to Avoid it In Your Writing

Ever notice how something can get so bad that it achieves a life of its own and gets exponentially worse the longer it goes? I'm sure it has a fancy, scientific name, but I call it "Compound Suck." The more crap there is in a book, the more that crap starts to link together, each … Continue reading “Compound Suck,” and How to Avoid it In Your Writing

A Creator’s Journey #18–An Artistic Assault on All Sides

Dear readers, you've been with me through the good days and bad. This day could be most aptly described as "FELRKLHGIOEH!!" That's the scientific term. First... It began with my brain doing its normal thing, which is hating my guts for no apparent reason. "You're kind of worthless, you know? Not a very good writer, … Continue reading A Creator’s Journey #18–An Artistic Assault on All Sides

A Creator’s Journey #17–The Best Thing You Can Do For A Writer

As a writer, there's a certain hierarchy of awesome when it comes to readers. Tier One: Buy the book. Thanks for the money! But you're going to read it, right? ...right? Tier Two: Read the book. That's better. You took time out of your life to read my work and I appreciate it. Fist bump. … Continue reading A Creator’s Journey #17–The Best Thing You Can Do For A Writer

A Creator’s Journey #15–Why I Launched Patreon

Ah, the good ol' days. Artists could get patrons who would pay them to make art, giving them regular or partly-regular income for their craft because art is awesome. And then stuff happened. What stuff? I don't know, centuries of stuff. Look, I'm no history buff, I just know that patrons don't exist anymore, not … Continue reading A Creator’s Journey #15–Why I Launched Patreon

A Creator’s Journey #14–The Creative Power of Absolutely Nothing

The other day, I announced that Ferryman was available for pre-order, so I should be focusing on that, right? Ha! You mistake me for someone who has control over himself! No, I've been working on a totally new and unrelated novel. Well, I was until I hit a wall. Twelve characters enter a room. All … Continue reading A Creator’s Journey #14–The Creative Power of Absolutely Nothing